Programme Intake & Exit
Intake and Exit of students is coordinated with the beginning and ending of the regular school term.
Student IntakeIntake months for students are September, January, and April and Exit months are December, March, and June.
Referral packages for consideration to Programme S.U.R.E. should be submitted no later than the fourth Friday of September, January, or April. Packages should include Student Referral Form, Teacher Rating Form, and Parent Rating Form (Digital Student Referral forms should be emailed to S.U.R.E. using the same deadlines). Referral Review & AssessmentSchool Psychological Services assessments will take place on the grounds of Programme SURE on the first Thursday of October, February, or May of every academic year, unless notified otherwise.
School Notification(s)Schools will be notified (by letter and email) when a student will be tested, if a student has secured a seat for the upcoming Intake Period, or whether a student has not met the criteria for consideration by the assessment team.
Student ExitWhen exiting, schools will be notified (by letter and email) during the second week of December, March, and June indicating the names of students ready for inclusion and their expected reporting date.
S.U.R.E. Reporting & Follow-upThrough out a students time progress reports will be forwarded to the schools monthly and a final summary report submitted on student exit.
Following exit Programme SURE will visit with each returned student once per month for three months to provide support services and to check on student progress |
In-School Cycling: The SURE TriggerStudent QualificationsStudents are eligible for referral to Programme S.U.R.E. once the following criteria is met:
Sample process chartDownload Referral FormTo download a copy of referral form kindly click below
Programme Calendar